January Thank You Tags

This project was the result of a co-worker needing to make a bunch of Thank You notes for the nurses who were treating a friend of hers in the hospital. We got the ideas from THIS website which was a pin I saw on Pinterest. She picked some of her favorites and also some others she saw on other boards. Some of these I just sort of copied the design as best as I could but some of them I had to come up with all by myself. They're all fairly small, like smaller than 6" so that you can print out multiples on a single piece of paper if needed. So I hope you enjoy them and use them! Don't forget to tell the people in your life how grateful you are for them!

Add to a package of bottled water or soda.

For a healthy treat attach one of these to a bunch of bananas or maybe some other banana-flavored treat.

Tape this to a box of popcorn and be sure to sign your name!

Punch a hole in the tag and tie this onto a bottle or package of Mountain Dew.

I saw this tag attached to a cellophane bag with two pieces of graham crackers, Hershey's chocolate, and a marshmallow for a single serving of a s'more. 

This was a fun one for me to do because I had to hand draw the gummy bears and find effects that would give them a realistic look. Hope you enjoy!


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